Parakey strengthens up within marketing and communication
With a still increasing customer and user base, new features and product launch, the need to strengthen the marketing department has increased at Parakey. After the holidays, Cécilia Rubinstein stepped into the heat on Drottninggatan 29 in Gothenburg. Cissi most recently came from proptech company Tmpl and will now be responsible for marketing and communication at Parakey.
Since its inception, Parakey has been a pioneer in mobile access and is today the market leader in the Nordic region. Parakey wants to help real estate companies that are in the starting blocks of their digitization journey to take the first step and start using mobile access. For the implementation to be successful, in addition to a powerful and secure solution and a committed Customer Success department, clear and target group-oriented communication is needed.
During the autumn, Parakey also launched the latest addition to its product portfolio, Parakey PDL, and thus took a step into a new market, where even apartment buildings can now be enriched with mobile access from Parakey. New features are continuously released, customers and users are increasing and the company continues to grow. This increases the demands on both external and internal communication, an exciting challenge that Cissi has been assigned to drive forward.
Cissi comes most recently from the PropTech company Tmpl in Uppsala, already a partner of Parakey, where she worked with development of the brand and its position, marketing and communication. Her background in PropTech, the real estate industry and working agile in an organization that takes quick steps forward becomes valuable experience in the continued work with marketing communications in Parkey's various channels, including the company's web, newsletter and LinkedInfeed.
"Parakey is an inspiring company with a solution that really is at the forefront and 'opens new doors' when it comes to meeting both today's and the future's need for a smoother everyday life. In the office in central Gothenburg there is a dedicated group that is passionate about what they do and it's really fun to now be a part of it," says Cissi.
"From day one, Cissi has contributed and been responsible for our major launch of Parakey PDL! We are incredibly happy and grateful that Cissi is now on place key feature of our growth journey with Parakey," says Peter Wegdell, Head of Sales at Parakey.
With several exciting projects in the barrel and a "next gear" in the pipeline, there will soon need more new talented and driven colleagues for additional roles at Parakey. Keep an eye out or submit a spontaneous application today!
We are looking for Fullstack developers (TS/JS)
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